This simple script checks if all parts of the PATH variable are valid, i.e. all folders exists. Nonexistent folders, especially on network, can reduce computer performance.
set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
pathVarString = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PATH%")
pathArray = Split(pathVarString, ";")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
for each path in pathArray
If (fso.FolderExists(path)) Then
msg = "Exists"
msg = "*** Does NOT exists"
End If
WScript.Echo msg & " " & path
You can run it on command line like:
cscript check_path_for_nonexisting_directories.vbs
or create batch file to run it, e.g.:
@echo off
cscript check_path_for_nonexisting_directories.vbs